Sunday, February 24, 2008

This is fun

Really, I am having a good time. It keeps me from BBC & Laundry.
Taking theTeenager to lunch. We go on Sunday. That is when is not soccer season or softball season. Yes, the keeper plays softball and Field Hockey too. Her choice NOT mine. It is actually a PITA getting her everywhere she has to be. When it is either, softball season and/or soccer season we are going to someplace so she can play. I sit "on the sideline" have to love how it all fits!
So we spend Sunday together, TheToddler & TheKeepersDad..they are not invited. KeepersDad doesn't mind. We bring home food. theToddler, how ever cute is clueless.
So she, (theTeenager) is slamming doors & getting ready. Somehow she feels this will make me overjoyed with the thought that I get to spend the afternoon with thekeeper..ahh the life of a teenager. But I have to say, BTDT.
Again I think this is going to be fun, having something to take place of the "stupid baby board"..and reading about everyone else, now everyone can read about us. What fun!

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