Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thinking Ahead to Next week

So I do not have TheOthers at all next week. Yhippie.
So I will start my New NLP with Suds it up Saturday, this will be good. TheKeepersDad, will be gone in the AM, taking TheOthers & their parents to the Airport..TheTeenager doesn't have soccer..I have NO excuse.But, Knowing me, I can come up with one..real quick.
What is Sunday? In my house, it's Stupid husband Sunday. I'm sure I'll fill you in, now to be really whitty, I'll actually post that Sunday.
I am excited.

I will still continue with the Existing NLP for this week, but next week and only next week, My NLP will be bumped up a notch. Hence MY NewNLP ..This will also include a hair cut & eyebrow waxing.
Thursday is Trash Terminating Thursday. I can live with this, no change needed.
It will work well.
Finally Friday. or Figure it out Friday. I am not sure yet.

TheToddler is to complete a task and to stay on target.

Hey Ashley? When do I need my label maker. I have it, all ready. Right here..under this crap...
Carry on

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