Monday, February 25, 2008

So I have a Minute....Just one

Maybe a few minutes on me.
I have no real friends in IRL. I like it that way.
I have tried to maintain friendships. But, remember I am lazy. Friendships take work.
I do, however have people I talk to:
  • I have co-workers, we laugh and banter back & forth..but really? Only at work.
  • I have other parents. Mostly thru TheTeenagres team. We usually only talk about sports, and specifically the sport played at that moment. There is one mom. We are a lot a like. I do like her, and the bonus it that TheTeenager also plays softball with this I do see her a lot.
  • I have TheTeenagers friends parents. This is almost the same as above. But different. This one I really try to avoid. Really the 2 reasons that come to mind? Friend #1's mom was a heavy drinker & crazy. & the end I called Children's was bad. Friend #2's mom.. well, she stalks me now..really. She drives by my house. I see her. She lives 3 miles away.

I did try a Mom's group, like a SAHM thing. It really didn't work. I'm not that 30 something first time mom. I had TheTeenager at 21. I left my first husband when she was 6 wks old. I graduated college with a baby and a full time job. The play group thing was..well? Annoying.

So I gave up. It was a lot of work. So I am all wrapped up in message boards & blogs. But I am not a nut. I just believe as a whole people are crazy. I swear KeepersDad thinks I am having an affair. He just doesn't get my obsession with the "stupid baby board"..Jeez maybe I am a nut.

I have a hard time keeping online friends. I am sure they all hang somewhere new now, because I never see them post anymore.

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