Monday, March 3, 2008

Ok Ok

So I wonder why I'll get email, but only a few comments?

*Why FSU? Because my Bother works there. If we didn't follow FSU sports, we'd all be disowned.
*Why the Redskins? TheKeepersDad was born in Virgina. I had to agree to 3 things before we got married.
1. We would have a "Redskins House" That is it. No other NFL teams..ever
2. I'd take his name
3. I'd stay home ft, or only work less then 20 hours pr wk outside of the house. During school, summer is different
*Why is TheKeeper is goalie? By default. 3 Years ago she was a stopper (a defender) the goalie was hurt during a in line is the stopper. She loves it. She'll never leave her box.
Then this one I loved, from the same lady who didn't like that I got Grounded..
*Why do I Make (yes, make) my daughter play so many sports. ..Um well I don't even make her clean her room. She lives for soccer. Field hockey & Softball are just social. She is a teenager, they are social creatures. Since when is fresh mountain air a bad thing? She is an athlete, she trains hard for soccer. For her, the other sports are relaxing and keep her in shape. Anyway, all her friends play softball. It's the age, you know If Tiffany has it, well you better believe Britney Needs it...'Nuff said?

Keep 'um coming.

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