Thursday, March 6, 2008

Houston..We have a problem.

We all create our very own monsters. Our Monsters are our children with behaviors, we accept from our children..but probably would not allow others to do the same...we'd even look at them funny.
But if and when our children do these crazy things, it goes over looked or it even might be cute..
For example: TheToddler will open her mouth and show us her food if we ask.."Toddler are you eating?".."I eating..ahhh (as she opens her mouth).." So cute..any other kid..well, crazy and gross.
Well My monster today is TheTeanager.
Remember she went to the mall yesterday after school?
I gave her $20. TheKeepersDad gave her $20..(another reason communication between parents is KEY) Then she had Babysitting money and her debit card.
She took all her money. Every last cent. Spent every penny she had.
This is the monster I created. She is a shopper. She is a spender. She went and blew over $100!
Not bad you say..I say she is 13. Not even 14.
What does that do for the level of spending? At 16 is $100 day at the mall not enough?
Even in these days when I have cut back & don't use credit cards..I am sure it is too late!
Now, I can call in the Nature vs Nurture argument and say she got it form her other dad, the "real" one. He is not the best at saving money. That it's in her paternal genetics, But alas..that will only make me feel better.

So back to my NNLP:RD.
I have done some, but not much. Some have added drinking to each day. All I can do is Diet Pepsi. Thats how I roll.
My EBay auctions are doing well, have 28 as of yesterday! That will make up for TheOthers vacation.
I told TheKeeper she needs to find me stuff to sell when she gets home, she needs to pay back TheKeepersDad.
Its Thursday, I'm gonna throw out some Trash!

Be Back Later..

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