Monday, March 3, 2008


I forgot about this.
I have been busy with my NNLP:RD,
I just forgot to tell you all about it
Monday is: Mail it out, Market Myself & Move Mountains Monday.
I will print labels, pack & ship. The boxes will be left at the door, as always. Matt, the letter carrier, who drives a mail truck, because..well this is the mountains, letter carriers don't carry..they drive. Any who. Matt will take them. I will list on eBay. I will clean up after my family from the weekend.

Tuesday is: Tidy up Tuesday. This week will include a huge spring cleaning. This will last all day. It will end in Panera with TheKeeper. Next week I will just do laundry.

Wednesday is: Whatever I can do Wednesday. Whatever I can do to try and get my life back, get some piece! Make a plan! I need a new goal and I need to find a better way. This will also end in Panera with TheKeeper, before she goes to soccer practice.

Thursday is: Trash Terminating Thursday. I plan to throw away alot of shit. Including old shit, new shit and anything in between. This be mind freeing..I have baggage. Next week I will revise this.

Friday is: Figure it out Friday. This I will use to Figure out how to pay bills, How to pay for Soccer Camp, just in general. Find a way.

Saturday is : Suds it up Saturday, only applies to TheKeepersdad, I don't drink. I'll have a plan for this day. Soon it will be Saturday is for Softball. Softball starts soon...very soon.

Sunday, will soon be Soccer Sunday. The season starts in 4 weeks,

So remember, I have knocked it up a notch for this week. Next week will go back to NLP:RD.

Things to be added: TheKeepers practice schedule, because chauffeur is part of my life's work. TheKeppers Game schedule, and don't forget I work.

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