Friday, April 18, 2008

Have you seen my money tree?

TheKeeper thinks we have a money tree. Or Maybe I just have cash falling from my ass.
Either one, she just has the opinion that one's whole wardrobe should be replaced every season.
She needs more Bermuda shorts, because the 9,ooo pairs she has from last year, well she doesn't like them.

I told her, Well I don't like the hole in my jeans, that I have had for years.
She didn't understand what this had to do with her...

So I guess it's off to the mall. She has money, let her spend it. Maybe then she will like what she buys.

Other things:
Today is figure it out Friday. I guess I will stick to the Life Plan, many others have dropped it. It did good for me to have a gave me focus.

Today, I will Figure Out the following:
What I will do to keep my sanity during Spring Break. We are all of next week. This should be fun..not really, but I want to think it will be.

1 comment:

Kim said...

My daughter went away to college and suddenly was under the impression that she was an heiress.

I feel your pain.