Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Got Coaches?

So today I am here to say:
Thank your kids coaches.
Take a minute and say "Thanks!"
Easy. Simple.

TheKeeper has soccer practice 2 days a week. Most every week. All year. That is 4+ hours every week that her coaches donate to the team, yes donate, yes every week.

Then, TheKeeper has softball practice. That's 2 different coaches that donate time.

In the fall, TheKeeper had Field Hockey..Those coaches gave alot of time, even did a week of camp during the summer...a week!

Now, I know that's just my kid & she is drivin by some other power. I get that.
But what about your kid? Do they play any sport? Tee Ball? Soccer? Baseball?
I can say, even Cheer Leading has coaches..and Gymnastics, too. *shutter*

Even if you don't like them. Even if you don't agree on how he/she coaches.
Even if your mommy goggles help you think your kid is better than that other kid..
Thank the damn coach.
Even if it's for the free babysitting because you dropped and ran to the ShopRite.
Thank the Damn coach.

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