Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Thoughts here On the Sideline

Random Thought one:
Our President made a speech today.
He said he was absolutely confident in the future of this country.
Not so much.
Not so much confident at all of the next 4 years.
just sayin.

Random Thought Two
I think a good plan would be for the UAW to find the money to help Ford, Chrysler and GM. They did it they fix it.
ohh wait..didn't they just give a shitload of money to the Obama campaign.

So I say UAW, really union tough, union strong? FIX IT.
Figure it out, make it right.

Last one:
Really, Prop 8. Over in good Ole California.
There are stories of riots, looting churches, and just utter dismay.
It was a vote. Put to the people.
They didn't want the constitution changed.
Its a state thing. I guess I don't understand.
But even Elton said Civil Unions were good enough.

Irony? It was all black voters who said no way. You wanted Obama. you got him. You wanted people to vote for your savior. They did. now what?
You don't like what they said...
Too bad, so sad.
Come to the East coast, Connecticut passed gay marriage into law, just today..or was it yesterday?

Just sayin.

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