Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Funny Story

This morning when I was putting TheToddler in her seat she noticed TheKeepers softball mitt.
As usual I was not paying much attention, as TheToddler talks a mile a minute & if I did I would be crazy.
Well, even more carzy.
She is laughing and rambling ...and I guess she has learned I really don't pay attention, which is sad..I know this.
TheKeeeper gets in the car.
TheToddler and TheKeeper have this a conversation:
TheToddler: "Hehe, TheKeeper, What is you thinking?!"
TheKeeper: "Huh?"
Remember it's the crack ass of dawn & we had a long weekend..TheToddler is really the only one awake enough to speak..
TheToddler "You can't play softball with cany *candy*...
TheToddler.."you need the yellow ball..not cany...hehe what are's you thinking?!"
TheKeeper.."oh..the gum? in my mitt? ..funny toddler, "

So I guess it was funny to me, and to TheKeeper..and it also tells me I ask TheKeeper "What are you thinking" an awful lot..
In my defence, she is 14..kids that age don't think... Really.

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