Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where was I?

We had just got back from Disney.
TheKeeper was in 1st grade, at the school where I was teaching.
I was thankful, I had her close.

The school? In a town, (here in NJ) that borders on another town, (also here in NJ)
that has a high Muslim population.
My room, had NYC views. We saw no planes, but we saw smoke.

I remember no cell phone service. I remember thinking of the kids, who's parents left that morning & will not be coming home. I remember the police coming. To protect the kids from any riots that might have happened..I also remember trying to find my brother. His shift ended at 7am, but he never left on time. I remember the look on TheKeepers face, she knew her uncle worked there. My BIL also, but that didn't come to me until later.

Our school didn't loose any parents that day, but we did have a family on the plane went down a 2 months later on to a block of houses in Queens.

We watched the news, I cried for the lost parents, brothers, sisters, husbands & wives.
Thekeeper had soccer practice that night, I remember the planes just stopped flying.

I lost a dear friend that day. Not my brother, but someones. He was a brother, a son, a husband and a father to be.

That's where I was..

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