Friday, February 29, 2008
He cared, I however didn't even notice
TheKeepersDad, said:
"So what, you aren't married today?"
I was like HUH?
You took your ring off?
I was again, like HUH?
Your wedding ring, it's not on..
I was like..oh? Yeah, I guess not.
Why was it a big deal. all I did was go to the bus stop.. Thinking to my self,
Self Did you even shower?
Believe me. Nobody cared. Nobody but him
Dinner will help
It is starting to snow..a*fucking*gain. *awful, bad horrible thing*
Ghost Whisper had better be on. Numbers too. The writers strike made this gloomy winter Gloomier..More Gloomy? The Gloomiest ever?
But "TheOthers" are gone for a week. *good thing, real good thing*
Maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope. I pray.
This gloom is really starting to get annoying..even for me.
Give me some pointers, help me out of this funk. Maybe some herbal miracle pill.
Maybe I should just give up Diet Pepsi & Excedrin ...Yeah, never.
Don't let this fool you
BTW, Alexander's terrible horrible no good very bad day is a good book for the kiddos
I am just plain avoiding. Sipping my coffee, looking out the window at the lake & watching the birds in the trees.
The children are watching Nemo.
Thinking that maybe I should look into medication.
Starbucks & Dunkin Donuts
Well, remember folks. I live in the backwoods, the country. The Mountains!
There is no Starbucks. None, Nada Zip. We JUST got a Dunkin last year.
Before that, the closest one was 12 miles away.
Yes 12.
Oh, also this morning at TheKeepers bus stop...10 degrees. Yes 10.
It's cold. Really cold
You know it's bad when
I feel a panic attack coming on.
It was another early morning, with all the shit going on, I couldn't sleep.
Maybe I need more coffee. Maybe I need a break.
Off today & Daniel comes.
TheKeepersDad stressed me out. Why must he always talk about money?
TheToddler flipped out this morning wanting her "Santa Boops". OK, Translation is Santa Boots..but still, WTF are Santa Boots? Do we even have any?
With TheKeeper PMSing & no sleep..There is no hope for my day.
I'll come back later, when I'm safely off the edge.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Have a picture to show you..

This is TheKeeper. We went to Maryland Presidents Day Weekend. Remember our very expensive trip to Maryland? Well, while there we saw FSU play the Maryland Terps. FSU lost. =0) We travel alot to see FSU play. Few months ago we went to Boston College to see Football in the rain, they lost then, also. But we always get to see Brother#2, that's always a plus. We also saw some FSU Women's Soccer,last fall and well, they lost then also, but that was the they got pretty far. TheKeeper was excited to see Soccer and her uncle.
Where should we see FSU play next?
Go Noles..
"Noles Win 3rd Straight ACC Game"
and it went on to say,
"Jason Rich scored 21 points Wednesday night while the Seminoles nearly blew an early 19-point lead before holding off the Wolfpack 72-62, giving Florida State its third straight league victory."
But What I found interesting,
"With wins against Clemson, Boston College and N.C. State..."
Now, I don't usually point things out like that. Because I know that karma is a bitch and will cause us to get our asses humiliated.
I just thought is was interesting, considering.
Just a word before I bed, that is..
I mean High School!
Do you remember what you were like in High School?
Because I remember what I was like in High School, and I am scared for Me & The KeepersDad.
Well, the only hopes I have are these:
She is an athlete, it keeps her busy. That it will continue to keep her busy.
By this time, I had already "gone wild"..maybe she will not "go wild"
This keeps me up at night, or at the very least, the thought that we have to meet with her guidance counselor next week and act like real live grown up parents of a kid going to High school.
Yes, I have done the math TheTeenager will be a senior when TheToddler goes to Kindergarten. The thought alone, makes me cry.
I remember TheTeenager's first day in Kindergarten..all dressed in her fresh & clean Catholic School Uniform. I remember her pig tails & curls & purple backpack.
I remember my dad, trying so hard to be a good Pop-pop.
Now, she will be in High School.
My dad is long passed.
and I must get dressed and act like an adult. I must put on my big girl panties, and face the world.
Remember ladies & gentlemen, I am a teacher. (or was) I did go to college. I used to work in a real school.
I guess it's just the thought of High School. I was horrible & rebellious. I cut class, I drank and I smoked.
I guess I hope what we all hope, That our kids turn out better then us.
The Nanny?
I get the "Live in Nanny" She or he, in which case he's a "Manny"Lives in your house & you usually get her form Switzerland or Germany. I get the Nanny that stays during the week, then goes home.
I also get having a or getting a "Sitter".
I watch 2 kids, after school, some days until 5:30. That is you ain't home by 5:30, your children will be unsupervised..not really. But close.
I am their "sitter" I am not their "Nanny" "Au Pair" to be real fancy.
So my point?
Today at the bus stop, the neighbor said "her Nanny" Blah Blah Blah..whatever else she said was not important.
She has a "Sitter". Not a "Nanny" It is annoying. She has a HS chick that comes over a couples hours at a time a few days a month.
Is it regional, calling a Sitter a Nanny? Does that just happen here?
Does that just bug me?
Just a random thought.
A sister's love...
TheKeeper went to Friendly's for dinner with BFF1 & BFF2. BFF1's mom drove.
They had to stop by Modells.
On so many levels, this made me happy & proud.
No, silly not that she went to Modells. jeez
She brought TheToddler her first pair of soccer cleats. TheToddler has cleats. So CUTE!
They are a size 10, which is tiny to TheKeeper, well because Keeper's cleats? size 10.5 Men's. TheKeeper has big feet...At this point TheToddler only wears a 6.5, but we have time.
She got them on clearance, she said, "Mom they were only $5 bucks!"
Make Momma proud! Great Bargain find!
But most off all,that she thought of her sister.
Did TheToddler need the cleats? No. No more then she needed Sambas I bought her last week, you know Soccer season is coming..every kid needs new Sambas for soccer season..
But How incredibly sweet..that my obnoxious teenager thought of her sister.
Now I will defiantly get her those new slides. Every good dead....
Structure Is a Beautiful Thing
In my head today on the way to work, I had so many things to mention. Same on the way home from work..which is about 45 minutes each way.
I listened to Sports Radio, no surprise. I used my phone.
As TheToddler slept, and I drove ..I made a plan.
As The Toddler eats, she is much happier. Structure Is a beautiful thing.
I went thru the Dunkin Drive thru, my favorite place. I cheated. I always take TheTeenager after school. Because coffee is good & everyone knows this..even teenagers.
I'll go back, today is a 2 coffee day.
I have big plans for the next week, because last night I realized..Soccer season starts soon. Then Softball Season will start, so the "free time" I have now? Is so gone. The Trailblazer will again become "The Soccer Wagon"
I am so not the typical "soccer mom" or the "softball mom". I am just TheKeepersMom.
That means, I must get her where she needs to be. I don't scream at coaches or other people's kids.
I digress
So I know now. I have found my motivation. I see the light.
I have a billion thing to list on eBay. I have a billion loads of laundry.
I will make progress.
I gain control
Trash Terminating Thursday
I am on a roll.
Of course Work & TheToddler might make it difficult to get much done!
And if any one was wondering, it's 11 days now. Since my money sucking family has reached out an touched us..shameful. I say. Shameful.
More later, I must be showered and dressed in an hour, pack up TheToddler for the babysitter & make TheTeenagers lunch.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I know you are wondering.
Well because she had lunch this morning for breakfast.
She is having breakfast this afternoon for lunch. Eggs sausage & cheese.
Oh, yes it has been decided.
No more days off for me, I do nothing with my time.
TheToddler is not adjusting to the lack of structure..and quite frankly, neither am I
Tomorrow, I will go to work. Promise.
Any ISO Tuesday Pro's Out There?
She needs shoes, I have shoes.
Also I have a question
Anyone? Anyone?
Email me. Linky in profile.
Peace Love and sleeping children
Thinking Ahead to Next week
So I will start my New NLP with Suds it up Saturday, this will be good. TheKeepersDad, will be gone in the AM, taking TheOthers & their parents to the Airport..TheTeenager doesn't have soccer..I have NO excuse.But, Knowing me, I can come up with one..real quick.
What is Sunday? In my house, it's Stupid husband Sunday. I'm sure I'll fill you in, now to be really whitty, I'll actually post that Sunday.
I am excited.
I will still continue with the Existing NLP for this week, but next week and only next week, My NLP will be bumped up a notch. Hence MY NewNLP ..This will also include a hair cut & eyebrow waxing.
Thursday is Trash Terminating Thursday. I can live with this, no change needed.
It will work well.
Finally Friday. or Figure it out Friday. I am not sure yet.
TheToddler is to complete a task and to stay on target.
Hey Ashley? When do I need my label maker. I have it, all ready. Right here..under this crap...
Carry on
Then, I had an epiphany. I watched Jon & Kate plus 8 the other day.
Did you see it?
They have a volunteer come on Thursdays to fold the laundry & ANOTHER Volunteer comes on Friday to put it away.
That is a great idea.
Now I get I don't have 8 small children. But I have laundry.
Maybe If I had friends IRL, I could have them come and help me? Maybe I could make coffee..maybe, just maybe.
Anyone up for that?
Maybe I am starving for human interaction.
Whatever I Can do Wednesday.
EBay (Carried over from Marketing Monday)
Laundry (Carried over from Tidy up Tuesday)
Clean out Dh's Closet (yeah, right Carried over from when hell freezes over)
(^this was his suggestion)
My Focus: Laundry. That's what I can do.
Now, what I want to do..Go get Dunkin and then hit Target. Maybe the mall?
Pipe Dreams.
TheToddler is eating Chips & Chocolate milk..and peanut butter. Maybe I should have gone to work. That would not fly with TheBabysitter.
But she is cute, and on a gloomy cold day here in NJ, when my heart is sad, she has made me smile. She is singing her ABC's and a song about a school bus. Telling me TheOthers are in school her limited English of course.
Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do.
and Here: Crazy for Lucy, or crazy for ordinary people?
I am going crazy. unmediated, unorganized and overwhelmed. I'm the circus act the balances all the plates and juggles all at the same time. They never drop anything. Forgive this one: But I drop the ball everyday.
My story, for all that care is this: (short version) I was a horrible teenager. I was horrible to my parents. My dad kicked me out at 17, after I barely graduated HS. He didn't like my BF. (Dad=Archie Bunker) I survived. I went to college. I was fiercely independent and stubborn. I got Pregnant with TheTeenager. Not my life plan, But I went with it..(BTW, she saved my life.)Got married & Had TheTeenager. 6wks later, I left. Packed up my Hyundai and hit the road. Remember, Fiercely independent. I struggled. I worked My ass off, I graduated, and raised TheTeenager. Never took a dime of help. Yay me.
So here I am today. Struggling with my decision to stay home. Blessed with the opportunity, but still, overwhelmed. Dh is old school, he makes enough. He is the man, having his wife work is insulting. But I knew this. Struggling with the mixed message I send to my girls. Strong and independent. Do I even believe this? Have I lost that about me? Really where have I gone?
So I have a PT "job". I sell shit on Ebay. I watch "theOthers". So I will always have money. I will never be my mother. (think Edith Bunker) My girls will never see what I saw.
So. Here I am today. caught between my beliefs and what is best for both of my girls. Caught in two worlds with a toddler and a teenager, both learning about the word
So Crazy for me or crazy for ordinary people? I don't know yet.
stick around, maybe we can all work out life's problems. Then together we can save the world. Or save me. Either one, I'll be happy.
Like Ashley, I am all about me. (<---Great reading, BTW) Again I am sorry Holly, =) really. I meant to send peace and love. (<---Also Great Reading)
Why so Early?
They proved to me, that If I don't do it..nobody does.
It was a little test, but I left some of TheTodller's toys on the Bathroom floor.
Sadly, they just stepped over them.
Even more sad..I picked them up.
Yes, TheToddler is asking for chips. I think I started something. Good or bad, it's not going away.
I'm not going to work today. I will be back with my NLP plan for this day I have named Whatever I can do Wednesday
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
TheTeenager had fun..That is what counts..Right?
TheToddler is sleeping
TheKeepersDad is down in his dungeon
TheTeenager, well you know she is in her room watching BB and texting BFF#1 & BFF#2 things like: IDK & kthxbi.. it's a new language. I had to educate myself.
Just in case you were wondering, Yes I read the text's, all the AOL IM's and her mysapce. It's my job..I take it seriously.
So here I sit, shh it's quiet.
What is tomorrow? Well whatever the BigGirls are doing, I think my NLP for Wednesday is...Whatever I Can do Wednesday. It'll work this week. I do however reserve the right to change it next week.
Monday was a bust. Tuesday started of rocky & ended with great progress. I can only hope for Wednesday.
Come back tomorrow..Check in on me
Finished, for now
3 Loads of laundry.
5 Auctions Listed.
1 room cleaned. Including sheets & dusting. No Vacuum it freaks TheToddler out.
I will shower and get TheTeenager.
I have TheOthers tonight until 5:30
Then, I guess I have to take TheTeenager to the pointless softball tryouts.
I feel OK about my progress today. I will do better tomorrow, I promise.
Better Now.
She had Pasta and Chips for lunch. She likes her chips.
I now have 4 auctions up. I did take pictures, so I am ahead, when I attempt to try for more.
I will go down and switch the laundry, this is a feat in it's self. Why? Because TheToddler's cool toys are down there & she knows it.
So I am sure I wont go down alone..and I also sure I'll be there for awhile.
I also responded to a post on ISO Tuesday, girls shoes size 5, yep got that covered. TheToddler is going on 6.5,TheToddler has way too many all sizes.. Yet another problem with having a toddler & a teen, is shopping. We like to shop. TheTeenager thinks she needs if you buy for one, you must buy for the other.
Off to Tidy Up Tuesday & Marketing Monday..
One thing? I have never done ISO Tuesday..What do I ask for? Do things have a price set already? Like pampers points, is there an established cash value already set? SO much I don't know~
All is right in the world
I have 1 load in the washer, 1 listing on EBay & well, nothing else.
Baby Steps.
She feels that it is disruptive and out of her comfort zone.
Also.."picture me" and "picture daddy" are all she said when I had the camera out.
Her dolls are not adjusting well either. They are causing her great distress.
How dare they sit that way?
Looks like My adjusted NLP will have to include Whatever I can do Wednesday. Because Monday and now Tuesday are a bust.
It's only 10am and my hope is gone..
TheToddler **Might** be ready to throw in the towel and cuddle up on the couch and take a nap...
I can only hope.
Oh shit, she has my phone.
This is the only time I will agree that ALL kids should go to daycare.
I read those blogs & some more, but I read those everyday.
I would like to read more, because I procrastinate so well as it is..why not have more good reading?..
Let me know about the blog you have...I'll read yours also!
..One More Thing
So thing 1.
TheTeenager is an Athlete. She plays soccer. Wait, she lives & breaths soccer. But, as a former athlete, I encourage her to play other sports. OK? you with me? Good. She plays Softball in the spring, the season will start soon. (Soccer never ends, but that isn't why I Am here) I only allow her to play Rec. Softball. So ..
TheTeenager said "Don't forget Try-outs tonight."
I say: "Huh?".."It's rec softball..(in my head WTF?)
TheKeeper said.."I have to go"
That's crazy. WTF kind of world is this that you have Try-outs for a recreational team. I wrote my check that's is all we are obligated to do..right? I will talk, no email my "friend" (see one of yesterday's posts..) I keep you updated..I am flabbergasted!
The second thing:
TheToddler asked for "red chips" she means the mini Pringles in the red is it bad that she is now eating them? I mean it is only 8:20 am..but she asked for "red chips"...
ok ok you already knew she was spoiled. Now you also know we have horrible eating habits.
¿Quienes más Macho?
I haven't talked to my mom or sister in 9 days.
Big deal? Too many, no. To me? Kinda. We usually talk 3 or 4 times a day.
So I say ¿Quienes más Macho?, like the judge on People's Court.
My side is: I am upset because they think KeepersDad should pay for everything, all the time.
Pay to fix TheMother's car, pay for hotel rooms we didn't use, buy things & "I'll pay you back" or "I forgot my wallet, debit card or cash"
So KeepersDad, who is a kind and gentle man lost his shit, as I say.
So the moral, I guess, is never think it's gonna be different. Go in knowing it's gonna be the same as the last time. But, most important..learn to say no. Oh.. and Never think a Family Weekend in Maryland will will just be VERY expensive.
I did post on the DWIL board. Find it, if you want to know the whole story. Not that I don't want to share, but it is a little like talking bad about a boyfriend..Ya know? Soon, I'll be over this.
So this fits in really good with my NLP. No more money to my family. Maybe this can somehow apply to many days.
Today Is going to be Market myself Monday & Tidy up Tuesday. Yes, all in one day. I'll do my EBay stuff all while I do Laundry, care for TheToddler & finally get to the Rice Krispie debacle of 6:30 am this morning.
TheToddler has learned to say something like "Wow, that was close!" It is very cute. It is a joy having her around, most days. She, as I have said before, will be spoiled. Very different from my first. I guess, raising TheToddler will be very different form raising TheTeenager.
Thanks for reading, I know somebody is..let me know what you think! I'd love for you to be the very first comment! It would make my day..really..!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Today was better.
See the thing is.. I talk to myself. Now? Now I can talk to you!
Amazing thing is..I really know very few..if anyone actually reads this!
But I feel better.
Tomorrow is Tidy up Tuesday. I said earlier I would switch..Well, that didn't happen.
Monday was a bust. I did clean the kitchen, but didn't do any laundry.
TheTeenager reminded me of this..
Tuesday will be better. I promise.
The problem is I am overwhelmed. I just need to start. I need to delegate.
TheTeenager is getting some jobs! We have children so they can do chores, right?
So Last Week at "Work".
Funny... Well I think it is.
This one mom, with 3 kids. Oh, yes she is also a co-worker.
Kid#1 is in 2nd grade Kid#2 is almost 2 1/2 Kid#3 is 1 year (soon)
So Kid #2 is in the "toddler class" & she bites.
Kids bite, yes. Not the issue.
The funny thing?
She has asked us not to tell kid #2 "No". or anything "negative sounding" like "stop"
What then, if not NO?!!? "Great Job! kid #2, way to take a chunk out of Random Classmate!"
I find this funny because I have said NO to both my girls & my husband.
I say it, maybe too much
..and sometimes, just for Shits and Giggles.
Crack. I swear people smoke crack.
So I have a Minute....Just one
I have no real friends in IRL. I like it that way.
I have tried to maintain friendships. But, remember I am lazy. Friendships take work.
I do, however have people I talk to:
- I have co-workers, we laugh and banter back & forth..but really? Only at work.
- I have other parents. Mostly thru TheTeenagres team. We usually only talk about sports, and specifically the sport played at that moment. There is one mom. We are a lot a like. I do like her, and the bonus it that TheTeenager also plays softball with this I do see her a lot.
- I have TheTeenagers friends parents. This is almost the same as above. But different. This one I really try to avoid. Really the 2 reasons that come to mind? Friend #1's mom was a heavy drinker & crazy. & the end I called Children's was bad. Friend #2's mom.. well, she stalks me now..really. She drives by my house. I see her. She lives 3 miles away.
I did try a Mom's group, like a SAHM thing. It really didn't work. I'm not that 30 something first time mom. I had TheTeenager at 21. I left my first husband when she was 6 wks old. I graduated college with a baby and a full time job. The play group thing was..well? Annoying.
So I gave up. It was a lot of work. So I am all wrapped up in message boards & blogs. But I am not a nut. I just believe as a whole people are crazy. I swear KeepersDad thinks I am having an affair. He just doesn't get my obsession with the "stupid baby board"..Jeez maybe I am a nut.
I have a hard time keeping online friends. I am sure they all hang somewhere new now, because I never see them post anymore.
Maybe a bit about TheToddler?
She Can open the nail polish.
The joy is heart overflows with pride.
Oh yeah..and TheTeenager used the last bit of Nail Polish remover on Sunday.
It's on the list.
One More Thing..
Before you ask.
I am a SAHM. Really. Because my "job" is really not a job at all.
I only work 4hours a day. 3 days a week. Sometimes only 2 days. I am home in the Am for the Bus. I am home in the afternoon for sports...
It's a Nursery School. A real live Nursery School with kids who only stay half day and come a few days a week. Far from a daycare. They have animals like chickens, horses and..yes even a goat!
So, I have worked in the real world and this is not it. This is a family first kind of company. Guilt free sick days for the kids, don't bother snow days and TheToddler has a babysitter that the Bosslady provides for Staff Kids..see? not the real world. Then it's a Camp in the summer, that TheTeenager gets paid to work at, and I get paid to work and TheToddler, again..goes for free. Utopia.
Snow Days
TheTeenager has already had 5 snow days & at least 4 Delayed Opens.
They even had an Early Dismissal.
More snow & Ice for tomorrow..and again for Friday. We live in NJ. Not Minnesota or Wisconsin or even Colorado.
At this rate, I'll have to call out..again & TheTeenager will graduate some time in July..
And the added bonus..a house full of other peoples kids. I need to Tidy up Tuesday and Something Friday. I can't have a snow day!
Ohh, did I mention the last snow day? Well, TheTeenager slept until noon, TheOthers did not go home early, as the mom said & Then said Teenager pouted because I would not pack up all the children (mine & TheOthers) and drive (yes drive) in a billion inches of snow to TheTeenagers friends house.
Don't get me started on the fact we live in the Mountains. Mountains make for unsafe driving during a snow storm..even with 4WD.
Maybe, just maybe
Real quick Maybe I need a buddy. A NLP Buddy. Someone to expect me to do something everyday. Someone who is not TheKeepersDad, because let's just say...he is just as lazy as me.
Maybe Holly ..and she has a microphone. Holly and I only really "talked" in passing. So in reality I am just a stalker.
Sad. Now I am just a lazy stalker....
My New Life Plan & Monday Mornings.
Fergie is on VH1, TheTeenager watches VH1 in the mornings before school. TheToddler loves Fergie. I guess that's one of the many things that happen when you live in two worlds.
Our days start early. TheToddler is up by 6. Joy. KeepersDad is gone to work by 6:30 and TheTeenager is at the bus by 7:30.
So here I sit. 7:49am, TheToddler is coloring. Herself, I'm sure. I am waiting for Daniel. He comes and spends Mondays & Friday's. He is a good kid.
I'm just glad to have a quiet house. Seems that school has been closed more then it has been opened. Last week was 2 days for Presidents day, and 1 for snow. I get extra kids when it snows, They come out of the wood work. That is what happens when people find out you stay home.
I am blessed. My life is good. I wonder why I feel sad.
Back to My NLP. I have a label maker. This is good. I need motivation. Can I buy that at Walmart? I am in a funk. It is getting worse everyday. I would be just happy to sit and do nothing. By nothing, I mean reading my "Stupid Baby Board" and other Blogs. I know I read them because I can read things that make me laugh and then I can read that other Mom's out there have problems ..Just like me.
I might skip Marketing Monday & jump right into Tidy up Tuesday. I'll switch, because If I bring out the camera to take pictures, well lets just say it would be a war.
TheToddler wants me to paint her finger nails, yes, another thing that happens when you have a Toddler & a Teen
I'll let you know how Monday goes.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I forgot my Brothers Birthday
One day soon, I will get in to the Saga which is My Family.
So I am not so sure I forgot. I am thinking I just didn't call.
Then on the Home front..who told KeepersDad it was nap time? Just wondering, because he's asleep. Funny how life continues with him asleep right in the middle of the living room? This is one of those times you hope TheToddler will lose her shit & have a full blown fit. I'd leave. Let him deal..that would be pure joy. I swear I'd lock myself up in TheTeenager's room..
This is like Therapy. Who else can I tell? My friends IRL? Yeah..that's another day..after the "My Family" saga..Wow, now you have to come back!
There is a New Life Plan going around..
It sounds great. This New Life plan. Ashley and the other Big Girls have a New Plan. I would love to participate.
Monday is: "Market Yourself & Meal Plan Monday". This I can do, I can list my auctions on EBay. However, I do not cook. So I get a free pass on "Meal Plan" or do I have to replace it? Maybe some one will tell me. Maybe this is a Shared Life Plan and KeepersDad can "Meal Plan"
Looking Ahead: Tuesday is "Tidy Up Tuesday". Which is perfect, because I usually do that on Tuesday. Laundry..Like Sasha I love laundry. I can't put it away, so we live out of laundry baskets, but It's folded.
Wednesday. Way too far ahead. I might have to change it a bit to fit my more lazy and less motivated self..
Baby Steps. I am taking Baby Steps, I have to think that KeepersDad will be happy I'm getting off my ass. It will bring on a full on KeepersDad panic attack if I do too Much..
Small fish in a big sea
I am a 30 something Stay at Home Mom. I used to teach. I was a teacher. I "retired" when the toddler came. I am sure the KeepersDad is counting the days until I go back. Really, I have no plans to go back. This tid bit, I haven't shared with him. In my defence, I work at a nursery school a few days a week for a few hours a day. This is not work. I know I get it.
I have a teenager. She will be 14, next month. She is a great kid. That is she is a great kid when she leaves our home. Which I know is all that matters. While she is here, we really don't see her.
The toddler is cute, and wrapped around daddy's finger. I know that she will become a spoiled and rotten, I will take over soon. She will be 2 in April. No Party. No Goody bags. Ah, the shame of it.
TheKeepersDad. Is great, I will say otherwise at times. He is not the teenagers real dad, but he is a great stand-in. He is a scientist...and he is trying to survive in a house full of women.
Oh yes, one more thing. I am lazy. I hate housework. I read blogs & message boards all day. I am the SHAM that gives Stay at home moms a bad name.
I hope you enjoy...but remember I am new at this. Im a Small fish in a big sea.
This is fun
Taking theTeenager to lunch. We go on Sunday. That is when is not soccer season or softball season. Yes, the keeper plays softball and Field Hockey too. Her choice NOT mine. It is actually a PITA getting her everywhere she has to be. When it is either, softball season and/or soccer season we are going to someplace so she can play. I sit "on the sideline" have to love how it all fits!
So we spend Sunday together, TheToddler & TheKeepersDad..they are not invited. KeepersDad doesn't mind. We bring home food. theToddler, how ever cute is clueless.
So she, (theTeenager) is slamming doors & getting ready. Somehow she feels this will make me overjoyed with the thought that I get to spend the afternoon with thekeeper..ahh the life of a teenager. But I have to say, BTDT.
Again I think this is going to be fun, having something to take place of the "stupid baby board"..and reading about everyone else, now everyone can read about us. What fun!
Blogging With the Big Girls...
By Big Girls, I mean when you are 8 and allowed to hang out with teenagers, not big "big"