Both of my girls are spring babies.
My oldest came home right before Easter. She was born at the end of a snowy winter, there was snow still on the ground when she came home!
She will be 14 next week.
My youngest was born the end of April..
I met my husband in April & come to think of it, my first husband also.
So I think April is a good month for me. I have to hope, because I have had a rough Feburary & March.
TheKeepersdad is still sleeping. I am going out today with TheKeeper, since our Sunday date will be Easter dinner, I have changed it to Saturday.
I have to decide if I go back to my job at the summer camp by April 1.
I have alot to Figure out, good thing "Figure it out Friday" was yesterday. I can not think about things until next week.
Today is Suds it up Saturday, which is good for TheKeepersDad, because tomorrow we see his family..they are a true trainwreck!
Gald I have lots to fill youin on, and I am sorry work got in the way this week...
I'll be better this week!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
When work gets in the way
I had to work this week.
My house is a wreck and the laundry is taking over the house!
Good thing TheKeepersDad is home today, so he can entertain TheToddler.
Taking TheKeeper to the mall & Target. Should cost a few pretty pennies.
Saturday is her birthday.
I'll be back later!
My house is a wreck and the laundry is taking over the house!
Good thing TheKeepersDad is home today, so he can entertain TheToddler.
Taking TheKeeper to the mall & Target. Should cost a few pretty pennies.
Saturday is her birthday.
I'll be back later!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Figure It Out Friday
I have figured out the following:
How to spend way to much time online
How to get a cranky toddler to take a nap
How to shower, but not get dressed..yet
A biggie
How to pay for soccer camp, you know a week at soccer camp will cost us? $575 plus
But I found the funds, Thanks for buying my kids EUC clothes! Way to go EBay!
I still need to figure out:
How to do all the laundry
Dress TheToddler & myself
Get a life
any suggestions?
How to spend way to much time online
How to get a cranky toddler to take a nap
How to shower, but not get dressed..yet
A biggie
How to pay for soccer camp, you know a week at soccer camp will cost us? $575 plus
But I found the funds, Thanks for buying my kids EUC clothes! Way to go EBay!
I still need to figure out:
How to do all the laundry
Dress TheToddler & myself
Get a life
any suggestions?
Now on to the News of the day.
Last night was the famous HS registration, when I met the Guidance councilor. Well he's an idiot. I feel bad for him, everyday in his office with no windows.
I feel better about myself, about the education that I worked my ass off for. That even though I am home with Banana crusted in my pajamas & I have not showered yet today, that somehow I knew the right questions to ask and somehow he and I both knew he was an idiot. I rock!
Today I feel great. Liberated. But still stuck in the computer. This must change! I must become productive!
I have laundry I have a messy house but somehow, tomorrow is always there..I can do it tomorrow, right?
Help me kick this addiction~
I feel better about myself, about the education that I worked my ass off for. That even though I am home with Banana crusted in my pajamas & I have not showered yet today, that somehow I knew the right questions to ask and somehow he and I both knew he was an idiot. I rock!
Today I feel great. Liberated. But still stuck in the computer. This must change! I must become productive!
I have laundry I have a messy house but somehow, tomorrow is always there..I can do it tomorrow, right?
Help me kick this addiction~
Step away from the baby.
This is what happens when TheToddler finds a green sharpie in TheKeepers room. I should have taken a picture of her also. But that would have been too much evidence that I really wasn't paying enough attention.
Scary Baby..right?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Then I remembered.
Well I read this blog last night and cried.
Tonight I will register my baby in High School.
She will be 14 in 16 days!
Tonight I will register my baby in High School.
She will be 14 in 16 days!
I am in High School all over again
This sucks
I feel like I am in High School, or even Junior High School.
Today is the day that you realized you thought you had friends, but you find out you don't.
The day when the kids you walk home with, left with out you..on purpose.
The day when everyone is talking about you.
The day when even the new kid has more friends.
It sucks
I know I will be a better mom for it. The Spring and Summer are coming and I can't spend my day on the damn computer.
I have to register TheKeeper for High School tonight, I have to decide some major life changes & now this shit. Way too much for me today. This has been a bad month!
I need a break, I need some love. I need an invite.
I need to be a mom, I need to wash and fold laundry.
So why do I feel like shit? Why do I even care?
Self Esteem? What's that? Really? Where do I get some?
I feel like I am in High School, or even Junior High School.
Today is the day that you realized you thought you had friends, but you find out you don't.
The day when the kids you walk home with, left with out you..on purpose.
The day when everyone is talking about you.
The day when even the new kid has more friends.
It sucks
I know I will be a better mom for it. The Spring and Summer are coming and I can't spend my day on the damn computer.
I have to register TheKeeper for High School tonight, I have to decide some major life changes & now this shit. Way too much for me today. This has been a bad month!
I need a break, I need some love. I need an invite.
I need to be a mom, I need to wash and fold laundry.
So why do I feel like shit? Why do I even care?
Self Esteem? What's that? Really? Where do I get some?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Neighbors suck.
We live in the mountains. It's quiet here. No side walks, no streetlights and narrow streets.
Originally, it as a vacation spot. People only came for the summer.
Some of the houses are old log cabins with alot of German influences. Great in the fall, when the leaves change. Great in the summer because the kids can walk to the beaches. I love it here, my kids love it here.
I hate my neighbors.
The lady next door is crazy. She will get her very own post one day. Promise
The people across the street, they are why I am here today,..
They are loud. They have loud kids. Not the kind of noise of children playing or laughing..but screaming loud.
So, now remember: loud & narrow streets.
Picture our house: Pretty raised ranch. White, black shutters & red door. Not a huge house, just a pretty unassuming house. On a narrow road.
Remember now the Soccer Wagon in a Trailblazer EXT. Big truck.
So the guy across the street, has a son that lives with his mom. He comes on the weekends, he is 15. Loud. Very Loud.
He plays basketball. Fine, I love sports.
They get him a basketball hoop thingy. Great, I love to see kids play outside.
So why do they do they think that the best place for this thing is right behind my driveway?
What did they think? I know, they didn't.
So getting out of my drive way sucked this morning. Remember: Narrow streets & big truck. And then add Monday morning, with a teenager & a toddler, frost and we lost an hour.
I can not wait until the damn FEDEX truck knocks it down.
It's mail it out Monday. I got some EBay stuff to get out..
We live in the mountains. It's quiet here. No side walks, no streetlights and narrow streets.
Originally, it as a vacation spot. People only came for the summer.
Some of the houses are old log cabins with alot of German influences. Great in the fall, when the leaves change. Great in the summer because the kids can walk to the beaches. I love it here, my kids love it here.
I hate my neighbors.
The lady next door is crazy. She will get her very own post one day. Promise
The people across the street, they are why I am here today,..
They are loud. They have loud kids. Not the kind of noise of children playing or laughing..but screaming loud.
So, now remember: loud & narrow streets.
Picture our house: Pretty raised ranch. White, black shutters & red door. Not a huge house, just a pretty unassuming house. On a narrow road.
Remember now the Soccer Wagon in a Trailblazer EXT. Big truck.
So the guy across the street, has a son that lives with his mom. He comes on the weekends, he is 15. Loud. Very Loud.
He plays basketball. Fine, I love sports.
They get him a basketball hoop thingy. Great, I love to see kids play outside.
So why do they do they think that the best place for this thing is right behind my driveway?
What did they think? I know, they didn't.
So getting out of my drive way sucked this morning. Remember: Narrow streets & big truck. And then add Monday morning, with a teenager & a toddler, frost and we lost an hour.
I can not wait until the damn FEDEX truck knocks it down.
It's mail it out Monday. I got some EBay stuff to get out..
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I'll Play
This is from another blog I read. I told about you yesterday.
She wants to play a game, so here goes..
My husband's name is TheKeepersDad...
He graduated from Stevens in Hoboken. He is a Mechanical Engineer. He is still friends with kids from grammer school. (wow)
He has had a job with the same company since High School. Dependable & reliable.
He has 2 brothers, one lives close to us, like a mile away. They have 2 kids. The other well, my friend Caffeine Court, he lives in your neck of the woods and just got divorced. No Kids
His mom has MS, his dad is mean and scary.
We both have lived and only lived in NJ.
He likes Football and beer. He lives for the Redskins.
He is tall, and bald (balding he would say) He is calm and quiet
and doesn't curse. Ever. (*Crazy, I know*)
He Is a good man.
That's my husband.
She wants to play a game, so here goes..
My husband's name is TheKeepersDad...
He graduated from Stevens in Hoboken. He is a Mechanical Engineer. He is still friends with kids from grammer school. (wow)
He has had a job with the same company since High School. Dependable & reliable.
He has 2 brothers, one lives close to us, like a mile away. They have 2 kids. The other well, my friend Caffeine Court, he lives in your neck of the woods and just got divorced. No Kids
His mom has MS, his dad is mean and scary.
We both have lived and only lived in NJ.
He likes Football and beer. He lives for the Redskins.
He is tall, and bald (balding he would say) He is calm and quiet
and doesn't curse. Ever. (*Crazy, I know*)
He Is a good man.
That's my husband.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
This is my new BFF.
This is my new BFF, the problem?
She she no Idea. I think I stalk her, maybe.
But I will say this: I stole this from her. I loved it so much, I took it.
Like I was 6 again at Jessica Whatshername's house and took her mouse toy. I knew it was wrong..well I did it anyway.
This is my new BFF, the problem?
She she no Idea. I think I stalk her, maybe.
But I will say this: I stole this from her. I loved it so much, I took it.
Like I was 6 again at Jessica Whatshername's house and took her mouse toy. I knew it was wrong..well I did it anyway.
"Heavenly Father, give me the self discipline and motivation to tackle the wrinkled (but clean) mountain of clothing threatening to overtake my laundry room. Watch over me and guide me down the path of righteousness, as I try to avoid facing the carnage that is my walk in closet. And one more thing Lord, please grant me the wisdom to walk away from the temptation of the forbidden fruit (aka Girl Scout Cookies) that beckon me from my pantry. Amen"
I hope she will forgive me.
Plans for today?
I have to go to the bank and pay for the Soccer Wagon, I forgot to do this online. Now I have to venture out..scary.
Then I must pick up TheKeeper, from the party.
Then The Soccer waggon, must go around an hour later and pick up all of these same girls and take them to soccer practice, yes party mom, If you ever read this..very poor planning.
Now, during said ride in the Soccer Waggon, you must you have a picture in your head..The girls have a song. They scream this song as each gets in the car.
"Soccerrr Soccerrr Wagon!"
Now I know this does not seem all that bad.
It is a gaggle of 6 girls. These girls all talk very loud. They are all 14 or turning 14.
And the best thing ever today? More Rain. We are going to float off this mountain.
More Later. Promise
Friday, March 7, 2008
What's up with that?
This is what TheKeepersDad said to me:
"What's up with that?"
Either he has new friends, or is having a midlife crisis.
Me: HUH?
TheKeepersDad: What's up with the pictures on the wall?
TheKeepersDad: Why are there no pictures of TheToddler? I mean she's 2 already, it's sad.
Me: No way, really? *Looking* *Looking again* Wow, that is sad, upon finding no pictures on the wall of TheTollder. Bad Way Bad..I know.
In my defence, she has her picture in frames on the mantle and the hutch thing. But Alas, he is right none on the wall. This is his baby. A big deal in his eyes.
So that's what I did this morning. I took all her portrait pictures, that we paid a fortune for, by the way, and finally put them in frames and put the frames on the wall.
TheKeepersDad will feel better. I just hope he doesn't add up the cost of said pictures on the wall. I had no excuse. I had the pictures. I had the frames. Pathetic. Second child syndrome.
I was also glad to finally have an excuse to replace the wedding pictures.
Time is flying by me today.
TheKeeper is going running with BFF 1.
TheToddler is asking for coffee. We had Iced Coffee yesterday and she's hooked..again.
Some good news in TheKeeper's life? She was voted captain of her soccer team. Big ups! Keeper, you go girl!
Email answers: Yes, I do call TheKeeper Keeper. Keep, has become her name. Her friends call her it also. On the back of her sweatshirts it says KEEPER. It is something that just stuck.
Don't ask me why, It is what it is.
This is what TheKeepersDad said to me:
"What's up with that?"
Either he has new friends, or is having a midlife crisis.
Me: HUH?
TheKeepersDad: What's up with the pictures on the wall?
TheKeepersDad: Why are there no pictures of TheToddler? I mean she's 2 already, it's sad.
Me: No way, really? *Looking* *Looking again* Wow, that is sad, upon finding no pictures on the wall of TheTollder. Bad Way Bad..I know.
In my defence, she has her picture in frames on the mantle and the hutch thing. But Alas, he is right none on the wall. This is his baby. A big deal in his eyes.
So that's what I did this morning. I took all her portrait pictures, that we paid a fortune for, by the way, and finally put them in frames and put the frames on the wall.
TheKeepersDad will feel better. I just hope he doesn't add up the cost of said pictures on the wall. I had no excuse. I had the pictures. I had the frames. Pathetic. Second child syndrome.
I was also glad to finally have an excuse to replace the wedding pictures.
Time is flying by me today.
TheKeeper is going running with BFF 1.
TheToddler is asking for coffee. We had Iced Coffee yesterday and she's hooked..again.
Some good news in TheKeeper's life? She was voted captain of her soccer team. Big ups! Keeper, you go girl!
Email answers: Yes, I do call TheKeeper Keeper. Keep, has become her name. Her friends call her it also. On the back of her sweatshirts it says KEEPER. It is something that just stuck.
Don't ask me why, It is what it is.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
An Update of sorts..
TheKeeper went shopping and learned a lesson.
You can not spend what you do not have.
Her debit card?
Overdrawn. She spent $19.xx more then she had.
I do not expect raising this teenager is going to be cheap.
Ohh wait until she gets home. Her new home, the one up under this one.
You can not spend what you do not have.
Her debit card?
Overdrawn. She spent $19.xx more then she had.
I do not expect raising this teenager is going to be cheap.
Ohh wait until she gets home. Her new home, the one up under this one.
Houston..We have a problem.
We all create our very own monsters. Our Monsters are our children with behaviors, we accept from our children..but probably would not allow others to do the same...we'd even look at them funny.
But if and when our children do these crazy things, it goes over looked or it even might be cute..
For example: TheToddler will open her mouth and show us her food if we ask.."Toddler are you eating?".."I eating..ahhh (as she opens her mouth).." So cute..any other kid..well, crazy and gross.
Well My monster today is TheTeanager.
Remember she went to the mall yesterday after school?
I gave her $20. TheKeepersDad gave her $20..(another reason communication between parents is KEY) Then she had Babysitting money and her debit card.
She took all her money. Every last cent. Spent every penny she had.
This is the monster I created. She is a shopper. She is a spender. She went and blew over $100!
Not bad you say..I say she is 13. Not even 14.
What does that do for the level of spending? At 16 is $100 day at the mall not enough?
Even in these days when I have cut back & don't use credit cards..I am sure it is too late!
Now, I can call in the Nature vs Nurture argument and say she got it form her other dad, the "real" one. He is not the best at saving money. That it's in her paternal genetics, But alas..that will only make me feel better.
So back to my NNLP:RD.
I have done some, but not much. Some have added drinking to each day. All I can do is Diet Pepsi. Thats how I roll.
My EBay auctions are doing well, have 28 as of yesterday! That will make up for TheOthers vacation.
I told TheKeeper she needs to find me stuff to sell when she gets home, she needs to pay back TheKeepersDad.
Its Thursday, I'm gonna throw out some Trash!
Be Back Later..
We all create our very own monsters. Our Monsters are our children with behaviors, we accept from our children..but probably would not allow others to do the same...we'd even look at them funny.
But if and when our children do these crazy things, it goes over looked or it even might be cute..
For example: TheToddler will open her mouth and show us her food if we ask.."Toddler are you eating?".."I eating..ahhh (as she opens her mouth).." So cute..any other kid..well, crazy and gross.
Well My monster today is TheTeanager.
Remember she went to the mall yesterday after school?
I gave her $20. TheKeepersDad gave her $20..(another reason communication between parents is KEY) Then she had Babysitting money and her debit card.
She took all her money. Every last cent. Spent every penny she had.
This is the monster I created. She is a shopper. She is a spender. She went and blew over $100!
Not bad you say..I say she is 13. Not even 14.
What does that do for the level of spending? At 16 is $100 day at the mall not enough?
Even in these days when I have cut back & don't use credit cards..I am sure it is too late!
Now, I can call in the Nature vs Nurture argument and say she got it form her other dad, the "real" one. He is not the best at saving money. That it's in her paternal genetics, But alas..that will only make me feel better.
So back to my NNLP:RD.
I have done some, but not much. Some have added drinking to each day. All I can do is Diet Pepsi. Thats how I roll.
My EBay auctions are doing well, have 28 as of yesterday! That will make up for TheOthers vacation.
I told TheKeeper she needs to find me stuff to sell when she gets home, she needs to pay back TheKeepersDad.
Its Thursday, I'm gonna throw out some Trash!
Be Back Later..
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I Missed a day.
I missed a day , yesterday. Don't know what happened to all my time, but I am sure it was sucked in the same black hole as many other things around here.
Hilary kicked ass last night. Good for her. This is whole democratic election is going to get ugly soon.
Tough choice, them higher powers have..either they get accused of Sexism or Racism. Either way it sucks.
I am sad today. Glad that a strong woman is showing the our girls, anything is possible. That women should kick ass & fight. Hilary is showing our girls a whole lot. I still think she sucks. She Hilary. She the senator. She, Hilary.. Bill's wife.
I voted for Bill. He is the reason I registered. Don't get me wrong.
Then I grew up.
Then I changed, as we all do.
My guy pulled out of the race last night. He never had a real chance, but I am glad he stuck around But Still it makes me sad.
TheKeeper is going to the mall after school. My house is all mine until theKepersDad comes home at 5. WOW.
I will be back later. I am having a real hard time staying on task here.
Did anyone really miss me yesterday? Sadly, I expect not.
Hilary kicked ass last night. Good for her. This is whole democratic election is going to get ugly soon.
Tough choice, them higher powers have..either they get accused of Sexism or Racism. Either way it sucks.
I am sad today. Glad that a strong woman is showing the our girls, anything is possible. That women should kick ass & fight. Hilary is showing our girls a whole lot. I still think she sucks. She Hilary. She the senator. She, Hilary.. Bill's wife.
I voted for Bill. He is the reason I registered. Don't get me wrong.
Then I grew up.
Then I changed, as we all do.
My guy pulled out of the race last night. He never had a real chance, but I am glad he stuck around But Still it makes me sad.
TheKeeper is going to the mall after school. My house is all mine until theKepersDad comes home at 5. WOW.
I will be back later. I am having a real hard time staying on task here.
Did anyone really miss me yesterday? Sadly, I expect not.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Ok Ok
So I wonder why I'll get email, but only a few comments?
*Why FSU? Because my Bother works there. If we didn't follow FSU sports, we'd all be disowned.
*Why the Redskins? TheKeepersDad was born in Virgina. I had to agree to 3 things before we got married.
1. We would have a "Redskins House" That is it. No other NFL teams..ever
2. I'd take his name
3. I'd stay home ft, or only work less then 20 hours pr wk outside of the house. During school, summer is different
*Why is TheKeeper is goalie? By default. 3 Years ago she was a stopper (a defender) the goalie was hurt during a in line is the stopper. She loves it. She'll never leave her box.
Then this one I loved, from the same lady who didn't like that I got Grounded..
*Why do I Make (yes, make) my daughter play so many sports. ..Um well I don't even make her clean her room. She lives for soccer. Field hockey & Softball are just social. She is a teenager, they are social creatures. Since when is fresh mountain air a bad thing? She is an athlete, she trains hard for soccer. For her, the other sports are relaxing and keep her in shape. Anyway, all her friends play softball. It's the age, you know If Tiffany has it, well you better believe Britney Needs it...'Nuff said?
Keep 'um coming.
*Why FSU? Because my Bother works there. If we didn't follow FSU sports, we'd all be disowned.
*Why the Redskins? TheKeepersDad was born in Virgina. I had to agree to 3 things before we got married.
1. We would have a "Redskins House" That is it. No other NFL teams..ever
2. I'd take his name
3. I'd stay home ft, or only work less then 20 hours pr wk outside of the house. During school, summer is different
*Why is TheKeeper is goalie? By default. 3 Years ago she was a stopper (a defender) the goalie was hurt during a in line is the stopper. She loves it. She'll never leave her box.
Then this one I loved, from the same lady who didn't like that I got Grounded..
*Why do I Make (yes, make) my daughter play so many sports. ..Um well I don't even make her clean her room. She lives for soccer. Field hockey & Softball are just social. She is a teenager, they are social creatures. Since when is fresh mountain air a bad thing? She is an athlete, she trains hard for soccer. For her, the other sports are relaxing and keep her in shape. Anyway, all her friends play softball. It's the age, you know If Tiffany has it, well you better believe Britney Needs it...'Nuff said?
Keep 'um coming.
I forgot about this.
I have been busy with my NNLP:RD,
I just forgot to tell you all about it
Monday is: Mail it out, Market Myself & Move Mountains Monday.
I will print labels, pack & ship. The boxes will be left at the door, as always. Matt, the letter carrier, who drives a mail truck, because..well this is the mountains, letter carriers don't carry..they drive. Any who. Matt will take them. I will list on eBay. I will clean up after my family from the weekend.
Tuesday is: Tidy up Tuesday. This week will include a huge spring cleaning. This will last all day. It will end in Panera with TheKeeper. Next week I will just do laundry.
Wednesday is: Whatever I can do Wednesday. Whatever I can do to try and get my life back, get some piece! Make a plan! I need a new goal and I need to find a better way. This will also end in Panera with TheKeeper, before she goes to soccer practice.
Thursday is: Trash Terminating Thursday. I plan to throw away alot of shit. Including old shit, new shit and anything in between. This be mind freeing..I have baggage. Next week I will revise this.
Friday is: Figure it out Friday. This I will use to Figure out how to pay bills, How to pay for Soccer Camp, just in general. Find a way.
Saturday is : Suds it up Saturday, only applies to TheKeepersdad, I don't drink. I'll have a plan for this day. Soon it will be Saturday is for Softball. Softball starts soon...very soon.
Sunday, will soon be Soccer Sunday. The season starts in 4 weeks,
So remember, I have knocked it up a notch for this week. Next week will go back to NLP:RD.
Things to be added: TheKeepers practice schedule, because chauffeur is part of my life's work. TheKeppers Game schedule, and don't forget I work.
I have been busy with my NNLP:RD,
I just forgot to tell you all about it
Monday is: Mail it out, Market Myself & Move Mountains Monday.
I will print labels, pack & ship. The boxes will be left at the door, as always. Matt, the letter carrier, who drives a mail truck, because..well this is the mountains, letter carriers don't carry..they drive. Any who. Matt will take them. I will list on eBay. I will clean up after my family from the weekend.
Tuesday is: Tidy up Tuesday. This week will include a huge spring cleaning. This will last all day. It will end in Panera with TheKeeper. Next week I will just do laundry.
Wednesday is: Whatever I can do Wednesday. Whatever I can do to try and get my life back, get some piece! Make a plan! I need a new goal and I need to find a better way. This will also end in Panera with TheKeeper, before she goes to soccer practice.
Thursday is: Trash Terminating Thursday. I plan to throw away alot of shit. Including old shit, new shit and anything in between. This be mind freeing..I have baggage. Next week I will revise this.
Friday is: Figure it out Friday. This I will use to Figure out how to pay bills, How to pay for Soccer Camp, just in general. Find a way.
Saturday is : Suds it up Saturday, only applies to TheKeepersdad, I don't drink. I'll have a plan for this day. Soon it will be Saturday is for Softball. Softball starts soon...very soon.
Sunday, will soon be Soccer Sunday. The season starts in 4 weeks,
So remember, I have knocked it up a notch for this week. Next week will go back to NLP:RD.
Things to be added: TheKeepers practice schedule, because chauffeur is part of my life's work. TheKeppers Game schedule, and don't forget I work.
ShopTherapy. It works!
I ordered these gloves for TheKeeper: They must have special powers because they cost a huge chunk of change.
This is the new Keeper Jersey, she needed..Under Armor. I guess it helps her mojo. It must also have superpowers.

For TheToddler..How cute? I mean one of my girls needs to have purple sparkly things on her feet, right?
So, I'll be back soon, with all the damage that I did. It was fun!
Shoptherapy, try it..

For TheToddler..How cute? I mean one of my girls needs to have purple sparkly things on her feet, right?

Shoptherapy, try it..
My 12th Man.
The Redkins, are the Pro Football team that rules this house.
Go Skins.!
The 'Skins have Sean Taylor, he is their 12th man.
You may also have heard this saying in the Seattle area.
My 12th man is my father. He is long passed.
I will say, a less then stellar man when he was here.
But I do know he is here with us. I know he is a changed man in his new digs. I am sure he has all his parts and his health back.
I say this because I have been having this dream. Every night. It wakes me up at 1:05 am and I am then awake all night.
In the dream, my father is walking & can see again. He is sweet and kind, he tells me it will all be OK, that he is watching. That he is our 12th man. That he is watching TheKeeper & helping her find her way. He told me that he was there "that day". That day she made "that save". I do know exactly which day "that" is. He said he calmed her & he told her which way to go. He talked about his mom, and how she is honored that TheToddler has her name. That I shouldn't worry. That in time he will also help TheToddler find her way. That he is so proud and he is sorry.
See, now "help her find her way" is something I asked him to do, after he left. At his wake.
So, this is why I can't sleep. I am shaken. Since last Wednesday night. Every night, the same dream but each night he tells me a different story.
Weird I know.
Go Skins.!
The 'Skins have Sean Taylor, he is their 12th man.
You may also have heard this saying in the Seattle area.
My 12th man is my father. He is long passed.
I will say, a less then stellar man when he was here.
But I do know he is here with us. I know he is a changed man in his new digs. I am sure he has all his parts and his health back.
I say this because I have been having this dream. Every night. It wakes me up at 1:05 am and I am then awake all night.
In the dream, my father is walking & can see again. He is sweet and kind, he tells me it will all be OK, that he is watching. That he is our 12th man. That he is watching TheKeeper & helping her find her way. He told me that he was there "that day". That day she made "that save". I do know exactly which day "that" is. He said he calmed her & he told her which way to go. He talked about his mom, and how she is honored that TheToddler has her name. That I shouldn't worry. That in time he will also help TheToddler find her way. That he is so proud and he is sorry.
See, now "help her find her way" is something I asked him to do, after he left. At his wake.
So, this is why I can't sleep. I am shaken. Since last Wednesday night. Every night, the same dream but each night he tells me a different story.
Weird I know.
Really, Now?
So, if you didn't read this post, what I about to say means nothing.
First, I am glad someone is reading.
Second, Are you shitting me? Really?
Third, thanks for the Email.
I will explain.
I got an email last night, opened this morning at the ass crack of dawn.
It basically ripped me a new one about how I lied when I said how independent I was and blah blah ..then What kind of woman am I to "let" my husband *ground me*.
Uhh, I was joking. Duh. Really. Come on.
Thekeepersdad, is a kind and good man. He is also a push over. He and I agreed to be grounded, and spend time together, as a family. TheKeeper even ventured out. Stayed a bit and left. He is worried, I had a really bad week. We had a really bad week.
Anyway. I was not *really* grounded.
I am still laughing at that one..
First, I am glad someone is reading.
Second, Are you shitting me? Really?
Third, thanks for the Email.
I will explain.
I got an email last night, opened this morning at the ass crack of dawn.
It basically ripped me a new one about how I lied when I said how independent I was and blah blah ..then What kind of woman am I to "let" my husband *ground me*.
Uhh, I was joking. Duh. Really. Come on.
Thekeepersdad, is a kind and good man. He is also a push over. He and I agreed to be grounded, and spend time together, as a family. TheKeeper even ventured out. Stayed a bit and left. He is worried, I had a really bad week. We had a really bad week.
Anyway. I was not *really* grounded.
I am still laughing at that one..
Sunday, March 2, 2008
An Open Apology to our Neighbors
Dear Neighbors.
(only the one's we like. Not the horrible woman next door)
We are sorry that is is March 2. We are sorry our Christmas lights are just coming down today.
In our defence, we didn't turn them on anymore, but we know we are just lazy and have no excuse. Really we suck as neighbors. We don't even talk to any of you. We are horrible.
Thanks for understanding.
TheKeepers Family
*I am defying my grounding again, I am sure you noticed.*
Pictures later, I promise.=0)
(only the one's we like. Not the horrible woman next door)
We are sorry that is is March 2. We are sorry our Christmas lights are just coming down today.
In our defence, we didn't turn them on anymore, but we know we are just lazy and have no excuse. Really we suck as neighbors. We don't even talk to any of you. We are horrible.
Thanks for understanding.
TheKeepers Family
*I am defying my grounding again, I am sure you noticed.*
Pictures later, I promise.=0)
With Excedrin and Diet Pepsi.
TheKeeper is locked in her room. She did this, not me.
TheToddler is eating fruit.
TheKeepersDad in getting food to feed his loving family
I am stronger today! I am excited! I have 17 listings on EBay.
I have done countless loads of laundry.
I snuggled with both girls. loved it. TheKeeper? She told me 1. I needed my eyebrows waxed and 2. she told me to leave. I know she loves me!
So that's proof. With Excedrin and Diet Pepsi all is possible.
Now, remember Excedrin has extra caffeine. It works great on a headache. Knocks a toothache right out. I take 2 every morning, just to deal.
They also make Excedrin PM, just a thought
I am going to show to all pictures of my ShopTherapy session. It did go well. I knocked out Easter on Disney, I got TheKeeper new love, not sweet or even pretty dainty gloves. New Keeper gloves, that are actually UGLY, but hey, I have said it is hard to keep TheKeeper happy.. Even the KeepersDad got something!
I will show this all later, I so promise.
I have been grounded from my computer today..see how well I listen?
But I will be back later, when he falls asleep in his chair. Because he always does.
Oh yes, It IS Stupid Husband Sunday. I will be sure to fill you in on that!
TheToddler is eating fruit.
TheKeepersDad in getting food to feed his loving family
I am stronger today! I am excited! I have 17 listings on EBay.
I have done countless loads of laundry.
I snuggled with both girls. loved it. TheKeeper? She told me 1. I needed my eyebrows waxed and 2. she told me to leave. I know she loves me!
So that's proof. With Excedrin and Diet Pepsi all is possible.
Now, remember Excedrin has extra caffeine. It works great on a headache. Knocks a toothache right out. I take 2 every morning, just to deal.
They also make Excedrin PM, just a thought
I am going to show to all pictures of my ShopTherapy session. It did go well. I knocked out Easter on Disney, I got TheKeeper new love, not sweet or even pretty dainty gloves. New Keeper gloves, that are actually UGLY, but hey, I have said it is hard to keep TheKeeper happy.. Even the KeepersDad got something!
I will show this all later, I so promise.
I have been grounded from my computer today..see how well I listen?
But I will be back later, when he falls asleep in his chair. Because he always does.
Oh yes, It IS Stupid Husband Sunday. I will be sure to fill you in on that!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
By the way
Today will be better.
TheToddler, is pink. From head to toe. Pink. Highlighter I think, from TheTeenagers room.
TheKeepersDad went to bring "TheOthers" and their parents to the Airport..Yhippie!
TheKeeper? I have not seen her since she got on the bus yesterday morning. She spent the time with BFF1 and her family. They are cooler.
Me? I took a shower, and getting a plan for Suds it up Saturday.
In my NLP:RD, Friday's will be Figure it Out Friday.
So yesterday, I figured out the following:
I figured out a way to pay all the bills, on time. The tax return helped, but I Figured It Out.
I figured out how to spend a lot of time on the Internet.
I figured out that I am really having a panic attack, so I need to "chilax" & address the situation
I figured out, in the past, not just yesterday, but yesterday I had to reaffirm this knowledge.
TheToddler, is pink. From head to toe. Pink. Highlighter I think, from TheTeenagers room.
TheKeepersDad went to bring "TheOthers" and their parents to the Airport..Yhippie!
TheKeeper? I have not seen her since she got on the bus yesterday morning. She spent the time with BFF1 and her family. They are cooler.
Me? I took a shower, and getting a plan for Suds it up Saturday.
In my NLP:RD, Friday's will be Figure it Out Friday.
So yesterday, I figured out the following:
I figured out a way to pay all the bills, on time. The tax return helped, but I Figured It Out.
I figured out how to spend a lot of time on the Internet.
I figured out that I am really having a panic attack, so I need to "chilax" & address the situation
I figured out, in the past, not just yesterday, but yesterday I had to reaffirm this knowledge.
1. It always works out. Everything always does. Better or worse.
2. If you can't fix it, change it or buy a new one
3. It's been worse.
4. It could be worse
5. I am stronger than this. I am better than this. I can beat this.
6. With Excedrin and Diet Pepsi... all will be fine. It has to be.
Baby Steps & A little love? Show the love...
TheToddler Sings
TheToddler and her cute self, sings
She sings "This is Daniel Cook"
She Sings "The Backyardigans"
She loves loves, Top 40. Including anything by Fergie. Especially "Big Girls don't Cry".
Her other Favorite is right now is Bubbly.
She sits in her car seat, and bounces. Up and down, because she IS strapped in tight. All all you hear in TheToddler singing then "nose...toes" Its a good rhyming song.
She can sing Bubbly the best, because she can say most of the words..
It has always been adorable. She has done it since she could make sounds.
I look in the rearview mirror & there she sits, behind me, with her "onkey" book and her cute hat from the gap, which she had to have. (That link is not the hat, but to the clearance..can you say shoptherapy? I sure can)
So I tell you this, because it(the singing then the shopping) makes me smile. It warms my heart.
With no sleep these days and anxiety kicking my ass.
I need TheToddler to never stop singing. Even if it's at 5am (like this morning) because, Hell, I am up anyway.
And because I know you care, especially if you are someplace really warm,
Drum roll please...
It's snowing a *FUCKING* gain. I am going to build an Igloo and hide..
She sings "This is Daniel Cook"
She Sings "The Backyardigans"
She loves loves, Top 40. Including anything by Fergie. Especially "Big Girls don't Cry".
Her other Favorite is right now is Bubbly.
She sits in her car seat, and bounces. Up and down, because she IS strapped in tight. All all you hear in TheToddler singing then "nose...toes" Its a good rhyming song.
She can sing Bubbly the best, because she can say most of the words..
It has always been adorable. She has done it since she could make sounds.
I look in the rearview mirror & there she sits, behind me, with her "onkey" book and her cute hat from the gap, which she had to have. (That link is not the hat, but to the clearance..can you say shoptherapy? I sure can)
So I tell you this, because it(the singing then the shopping) makes me smile. It warms my heart.
With no sleep these days and anxiety kicking my ass.
I need TheToddler to never stop singing. Even if it's at 5am (like this morning) because, Hell, I am up anyway.
And because I know you care, especially if you are someplace really warm,
Drum roll please...
It's snowing a *FUCKING* gain. I am going to build an Igloo and hide..
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