This is my new BFF, the problem?
She she no Idea. I think I stalk her, maybe.
But I will say this: I stole this from her. I loved it so much, I took it.
Like I was 6 again at Jessica Whatshername's house and took her mouse toy. I knew it was wrong..well I did it anyway.
"Heavenly Father, give me the self discipline and motivation to tackle the wrinkled (but clean) mountain of clothing threatening to overtake my laundry room. Watch over me and guide me down the path of righteousness, as I try to avoid facing the carnage that is my walk in closet. And one more thing Lord, please grant me the wisdom to walk away from the temptation of the forbidden fruit (aka Girl Scout Cookies) that beckon me from my pantry. Amen"
I hope she will forgive me.
Plans for today?
I have to go to the bank and pay for the Soccer Wagon, I forgot to do this online. Now I have to venture out..scary.
Then I must pick up TheKeeper, from the party.
Then The Soccer waggon, must go around an hour later and pick up all of these same girls and take them to soccer practice, yes party mom, If you ever read this..very poor planning.
Now, during said ride in the Soccer Waggon, you must you have a picture in your head..The girls have a song. They scream this song as each gets in the car.
"Soccerrr Soccerrr Wagon!"
Now I know this does not seem all that bad.
It is a gaggle of 6 girls. These girls all talk very loud. They are all 14 or turning 14.
And the best thing ever today? More Rain. We are going to float off this mountain.
More Later. Promise
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