Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cause and Effect

The accountant did the books yesterday.
The books of our small business.
The small business, we bought.
The small business that was opened back in the early 70's.
The small business, that has been open 5 sometines 6 days a week for 20 years. With overtime during the Fall and Spring. Overtime paid in cash, BTW. Double time.

In order not to fold, to close our doors.
In order to keep offering the Obama supporting employees, health insurance and sick time and holiday pay.

We will go to a four day work week, close on Fridays
That is 20% less pay.
For everyone. Even us.

Yay Obama. Go ahead, raise our taxes.
We will have no choice but to
lay off, your loyal voters.
Create more unemployment of your loyal voters..
Give you more loyal voters to insure.

Now, they, the loyal Obama supporters, think my husband is a bad guy.
He, like "the man" doesn't care about them.

Umm really. SO Sorry you feel that way.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out....

Just sayin.

1 comment:

Carmen Rae said...

GREAT blog!!! Adding it to mine!!! :)