Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Um, really?

So yes, we all have different views. I get that. I know that I am just a Stay home soccer mom..but really... absurd? Really?
I mean, I know I really really think the same thing I guess, but on the other did Obama get this far?
But one day, not so long ago, I was that "single mother" Obama speaks of. I was that poor woman, just trying to feed my baby..
Yes, by going to college at night and working 2 jobs, so I could feed my daughter.
Then I married a man, who believed in hard work.
I am a registered Democrat. **shutter**
I voted for Clinton.**shutter** **shutter**
Obama, made me a Rebublican. eerr maybe it was Al Gore. Maybe Barney Frank or even Clinton himself.
Oh, wait. I grew. I became an adult and oh yes, I paid taxes. Thinking that was it.

Matt, go google it, find your answers.

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