Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A quick catch me up

My school is over, the last day was Friday.
Unemployed again, poor me..
I am very bothered by the state of our nation, the price of gas & oil, and other parents.

TheKeeper will graduate 8th grade the end of the month. Soccer is going well, the HS coach has already said she'll play JV, maybe Varsity. I told him I want her on the Freshmen team. She has to work for Varsity. Pull her up when you need her, but put her on the freshmen roster. Softball is almost over, and she has a "date" to the graduation dance.

We are trying to potty train TheToddler.

TheKeepersdad, well he is great as usual. Lazy but still a great father. I know I should get over his laziness. It bothers me, it does take a toll on our marriage. But my over all quality of life is too good to complain.

Funny Story

This morning when I was putting TheToddler in her seat she noticed TheKeepers softball mitt.
As usual I was not paying much attention, as TheToddler talks a mile a minute & if I did I would be crazy.
Well, even more carzy.
She is laughing and rambling ...and I guess she has learned I really don't pay attention, which is sad..I know this.
TheKeeeper gets in the car.
TheToddler and TheKeeper have this a conversation:
TheToddler: "Hehe, TheKeeper, What is you thinking?!"
TheKeeper: "Huh?"
Remember it's the crack ass of dawn & we had a long weekend..TheToddler is really the only one awake enough to speak..
TheToddler "You can't play softball with cany *candy*...
TheToddler.."you need the yellow ball..not cany...hehe what are's you thinking?!"
TheKeeper.."oh..the gum? in my mitt? ..funny toddler, "

So I guess it was funny to me, and to TheKeeper..and it also tells me I ask TheKeeper "What are you thinking" an awful lot..
In my defence, she is 14..kids that age don't think... Really.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Drive by post..again

Sorry that my live has come before my blog time.
I know this sucks, for everyone.

TheKeepers team is 5 -2. Great season. Keeper has only let 4 goals by..great for her!

TheToddler is having sleep issues. We are going to change her bed in to a toddler bed today, see if that works

School is done for me, so I am unemployed..again.

I am sure we are not the only family effected by the price of gas & home heating oil. We are going to have a hell of a time heating this humble abode at $4.59 pr gallon of Home heating oil. Last year it was $2.39..that was high.

Obama, Clinton or McCain are not gods and have little or no power to fix the country's horrible predicament

I am worried about..1) Heating the house next winter & 2) Christmas. We will be surely broke by then.

I have become a recluse, almost never drive anywhere, I try to get at least week to a tank of gas..the $75 to fill the tank really hurts.

Oh, yes I have a girl crush. Our girls play on the same team for both soccer & softball ..destiny.

Anyone else just plain scared about what next week, month or year brings?

Then I read this, and remember things go from very bad to amazingly good..and have hope.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Best Ebay Feedback..Ever

Thought I would share this...

Just thought I'd do a driveby post.

I'll be back soon!